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FuMPFest 2021 - Live!

FuMPFest 2021 - Live!

In 2021 we celebrated the 50th anniversary of The Dr. Demento Show as well as Dr. Demento's 80th birthday (both a year late, thanks to COVID. This collection features over two hours of live music recorded during that epic weekend.

This album features two songs performed by Sulu, one of Dr. Demento's original Sidekicks on the show. It also features several songs from each of our featured guests including Ian Lockwood, Bad Beth and Beyond, Worm Quartet, the great Luke Ski, Bill Larkin, Insane Ian, and many more! Plus, there are several songs from the Dumb Parody Ideas contest as well as The Logan Awards, and a few funny in-between bits thrown in here and there as well.

All proceeds from this album go to help us produce FuMPFest 2023.


CD with digital download: $19.99

Digital Download: $19.99

Track List

1) Pico and Sepulveda - Power Salad

2) The Beucler of Mikes

3) 50 Years of Dementia - Sulu

4) Introducing Ian

5) Kang - Insane Ian

6) Dungeon Castlevania - Insane Ian

7) Sign up for Game Show

8) I Don't Think This Is The Club - Ian Lockwood

9) Zoom Meeting - Devo Spice

10) Listing All the List Songs - Robbie Ellis

11) Summer of LXIX - Bad Beth and Beyond

12) Happy Birthday Buttface - Bad Beth and Beyond

13) Are You Ready to Rock

14) Entire Dog - Worm Quartet

15) What Your Parents Think All Your Music Sounds Like - Worm Quartet

16) Stream Is Down

17) The Agenda - Nuclear Bubble Wrap

18) Sexy Silk - Nuclear Bubble Wrap

19) The World Is Made of - Carrie Dahlby

20) Why Can't I Write This Song - Carrie Dahlby

21) The Sidekicks

22) Locked in the Closet with You - Sulu

23) Donald Duckin' It - Ross Childs

24) Florida Man - Ross Childs

25) Face Melting Intro

26) IDDQD - The Gothsicles

27) Vampire Squid - The Gothsicles

28) Beatboxing

29) Everybody's on Zoom - Carla Ulbrich

30) Different from Live Streaming

31) Word Inflation - Carla Ulbrich

32) Dumbledore - Steve Goodie

33) Nina - Steve Goodie

34) FuMPFest Called

35) Toys - the great Luke Ski

36) Funny 25 for 100

37) Team Science - Regdar and the Fighters

38) Mustard - Soggy Potato Chips

39) Close the Window - Karl Brown

40) The Thousand Mile Song - Captain Ambivalent

41) They Don't Go Down - Holy Bongwater

42) Cellular Degeneration - Sudden Death

43) Ookla Acceptance Speech

44) Happy Sound

45) 45 - Bill Larkin

46) The Grandpa Song - Bill Larkin

47) Me Like Cookie - RJ

48) Doctor Who - Brian Sebby

49) Thanks, Brian

50) Closer to You - Ken Sherlock

51) Shoebox Doesn't Do Parodies - Worm Quartet

52) Beer - Bad Beth and Beyond

53) Stay - Ian Lockwood

54) The Proposal - Break Man Z

55) Dumb Parody Winner

56) No Homo - Ian Lockwood

57) Your Dad - Ian Lockwood

58) Eat Boiled Skunk Labia, Wesley

59) Peter Parker - the great Luke Ski

60) Marvel Poppins - the great Luke Ski

61) Sidekicks Say Thanks

62) Cheerio, Cherry Lips, Cheerio - Captain Ambivalent